Monday, October 15, 2012


According to the New South Wales state government, in their Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036, Sydney's population is currently, and will continue to be, pushed into higher-density living complexes in the future.

"Sydney will require significantly more medium density, low-medium rise homes in the right locations."
"Good design for higher density housing should focus on increasing densities without compromising the amenity of existing properties and contributing to a high quality urban domain.”

This means that in the future, more Sydneysiders will be living in complexes with high populations but small land areas - but a large number of individual households. Traditionally, a household has or is seen to need its own toolboxes or kits - this situation means that each household has a few number of tools which are rarely used. However this effect, when produced on a large scale, means that there exists a large number of tools that are rarely used and as such are not producing value. Their material is not being utilised.

My PSS aims to reduce materialisation through utilising the concept of shared property through a tool library system.

The benefits of the PSS are that the tools are easily accessible when needed; readily available at your home location at any time of day; and that the tool obviously does the job just as well.

My product is a modular, "buildable", stackable and easily assembled and electronically-automated shelving system. This allows expansion "from scratch" and can be built according to the size of the space that the complex has allocated for the system. As such it is flexible to the needs of the users and the individual circumstances that the product is placed into. It allows gradual expansion as interest grows, perhaps starting small and getting larger.

The PSS is built around the strata complex, PSS provider and user:

  •  strata outsources services to the PSS provider for the user/inhabitants' benefit.
  • the PSS provider provides service, maintenance,  and upkeep to the library, as well as initial installation 
  • the PSS provider takes a fee for each rental occasion, encouraging responsibility for the tool and encouraging careful use.
To summarise: the PSS provider manufactures the product; provides set-up and installation of the product; and organisation, upkeep, maintenance, and service to keep the system going. The system involves a one-off strata payment to the PSS provider, then the library takes a rental fee on each occasion to provide finance for continued maintenance and upkeep costs.

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